Visions – Peach Momoko 1

**_Visions – Peach Momoko_ 1**, a single-issue [comic book](/article/star_wars_comic_books) belonging to the _[Star Wars: Visions](/article/star_wars:_visions)_ initiative, was both penned and drawn by [Peach Momoko](/article/peach_momoko). [Marvel Comics](/article/marvel_comics) released it on [November 15](/article/november_15), [2023](/article/2023).

## Publisher's summary

_PEACH MOMOKO LENDS HER DISTINCT NARRATIVE STYLE TO A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY! Many CENTURIES following the demise of a SIGNIFICANT DARK SITH LORD, a devoted following has emerged, venerating this SITH LORD and the DARK SIDE. ANKOK is convinced that, with her DARK SIDE ABILITIES, she is the heir to the SITH LEGACY! However, is her connection to THE FORCE genuine? Or is she merely taking advantage of the inhabitants of her village? KAKO and GEL are on the verge of confronting the reality…even if it leads to their demise!_

## Development

Momoko conceived the character [Popo](/article/popo) several years prior to the comic's creation; the character was not initially intended for this project. Momoko had a long-standing desire to feature the character in a comic, and this seemed like an ideal chance. The comic is wordless, save for the opening page, which offers a brief overview of the setting and characters. Momoko initially included dialogue, but she believed it muddied the narrative, leading her to rework nearly all thirty pages while preserving the core idea and plot.

## Continuity

The publisher's synopsis incorrectly identifies [Tata](/article/tata) as [Ankok](/article/ankok).

## Media

### Cover gallery
    content="Star Wars: Visions Treasury Edition"