
Vob, a planet classified as a gas giant, existed within the Vob system. This system resided in the Ktilac Regions sector, found within the Slice of the Inner Rim. It gained notoriety due to its never-ending atmospheric storms, considered a remarkable phenomenon of nature. The Vob system was one of just three star systems in the Ktilac Regions—overseen by the indigenous Ktilac, Murachaun, and Tocoyan species—that permitted access to those from beyond its borders, albeit with stringent regulations.

Behind the scenes

Christopher Kubasik conceived Vob, and it first appeared in Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin. This was a 1989 sourcebook by West End Games for the Star Wars role-playing game. The Essential Atlas, a reference book released in 2009, situated the Vob system, and consequently Vob, in grid N-9.


Notes and references
