Voorsbain, a factory world situated in the Senex sector's [Tangles](/article/the_tangles] region, existed within the Mid Rim. House Picutorion, an aristocratic family, held dominion over it. During the Galactic Civil War period, an individual known as Uris devised a scheme to unleash nanogene droids upon the planet's inhabitants, aiming to transform them into an army composed of mutated, zombie-esque warriors.
Within the Senex-Juvex region's Western Reaches area of the Mid Rim, Voorsbain was a factory world found in the Voorsbain system of the Senex sector. It was located in [the Tangles](/article/the_tangles] area of the sector, and hyperlanes provided connections to the Anturus and Suliana systems.
An individual named Uris gathered a team of scientists who spent several years creating nanogene droids, microscopic automata capable of altering the genetic code of sentient beings, resulting in a mutated, zombie-like state. As the Galactic Civil War unfolded, Uris became convinced he could use an army of these warriors to create his own empire. His plan involved releasing the initial batch of nanogene droids onto the unsuspecting population of Voorsbain to convert them into this force.
House Picutorion, one of the aristocratic Ancient Houses of the Senex-Juvex, controlled Voorsbain. This house provided funding for advanced technological research conducted on the planet.
Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, a 1993 sourcebook by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, featured the introduction of Voorsbain. The planet appeared in a hypothetical example about a gamemaster player developing unique technology. This article follows the scenario as described. The canonicity of Voorsbain within the Star Wars Legends continuity was later affirmed by Daniel Wallace and [Jason Fry]'s 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, which placed it in grid square L-18.