The yearly festival called wallarand was a special event for the Balinaka people.
The Balinaka observed the wallarand each year, using it as a way to show off their artistic talents and acknowledge their ongoing battle against the planet's natural environment. Galactic Crystal Creations chose the location for the wallarand each year. Then, each community sent one artist to help create the buildings and sculptures for the temporary city that would host the event. When Winter arrived, work started. Huge halls for meetings, temporary homes, and market stalls were carved from the ice.
As the wallarand got closer, all work on the planet stopped, and communities could start preparing for the long journey to the city. Everyone living on Garnib, including Balinaka and immigrants, was expected to go. During the four days of the festival, people reconnected with friends, made business agreements, and found love. It was a time filled with non-stop celebrations and parties.
Each community also chose a representative to speak for them to other communities and company leaders. They would redraw fishing areas, set quotas for making ice sculptures, and discuss any other problems or needs. Almost all issues were resolved by the end of the wallarand. After these meetings, every citizen received a full report on the financial state of Galactic Crystal Creations because they were also employees and shareholders. Then, the citizens would choose new company leaders and vote on which new projects and investments they thought the company should pursue.
When the Galactic Empire ruled Garnib, the wallarand was the clearest sign that they were subjects of the Empire. Imperial troops were always patrolling the wallarand grounds, which caused tension, worry, and anger.