The father of Walon Vau, who resided on the remote, feudal ocean planet Irmenu, was an abusive figure to both Walon Vau and the Count of Gesl.
Serving as an Admiral within the Imperial Irmenu Navy, the father of Walon Vau inadvertently inspired his son's initial career aspirations. However, he consistently criticized Vau, deeming him inadequate. Furthermore, he forbade Vau from marrying the princess from a nearby province, a woman with whom Vau was deeply enamored. This relationship ultimately resulted in Vau's temporary banishment from Irmenu by the Imperius priesthood, prompting him to join the Mandalorians. Consequently, his family disowned him, stripping him of his inheritance. Following his father's death, Vau's cousin inherited the title.
Notwithstanding the Irmenu's general avoidance of external interactions, Vau's father possessed a secure vault at the Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank situated on Mygeeto, where he safeguarded the family's wealth. Years later, Vau reclaimed this fortune, along with numerous family treasures. Despite the physical abuse Vau endured during his upbringing, it failed to extinguish his empathy; he generously entrusted a significant portion of the family heirlooms to Kal Skirata, aiding Skirata's efforts to decelerate the aging of clone troopers.