Wandau was a Klatooinian male who was employed by Captain Ellin Lah as a member of the [Woebegone]'s crew. This group of traders journeyed through the Auril sector, providing various planets with seafood.
Before joining Ellin Lah's crew, Wandau had previously worked as a bodyguard for the Hutts located on Nal Hutta, a position he eventually left. At one point, he had an encounter with a Jedi, who utilized a mind trick on the Klatooinian, but with honorable intentions.
During a voyage to Ithor with his fellow crewmates, Wandau and the others discovered that a Muun had secretly boarded the Woebegone as a stowaway. This Muun was none other than Darth Plagueis, who requested the crew to return him to his home planet. After the crew, including Wandau, collectively declined his request, the Sith Lord launched an assault. Following Plagueis' throw of his lightsaber at Semasalli and Blir', Wandau attempted to capitalize on Plagueis' apparent vulnerability. However, Plagueis swiftly countered with Force lightning, striking Wandau. The force of the attack sent Wandau crashing into the ceiling, resulting in paralysis from the waist down. Despite his condition, he managed to speak to Plagueis, mistakenly identifying him as a Jedi. He expressed his belief that the Muun was a disgrace to the Order he represented, suggesting that the Force could have been used more peacefully. Plagueis, indifferent to Wandau's words, responded in Wandau's native language, declaring him weak and useless before ending his life.