War'qi functioned as both a bounty hunter and a hunter of big game, with operations spanning from at least 4 ABY up to 10 ABY. More than just a mercenary, War'qi was known to relish the thrill of the hunt, even affording the hunted a chance at survival. Conversely, War'qi was also known to have mistreated and killed some sentient beings during this time.
War'qi made use of bounty hunter armor, incorporating various weapons and gadgets, especially as arm augmentations. The hunter's favored weapon was an Antipersonnel Net Gun, which allowed War'qi to ensnare prey and, should the prey still prove resilient, administer a potentially lethal electric shock through the net. War'qi expressed a dislike for less protective armor designs, such as the Castaan Staad.
To preserve the excitement of the hunt, War'qi opted for SoroSuub's Firestorm-1 mini-missile launcher rather than the Fireball missile package, as the Fireball's guidance system was deemed an unfair advantage. Lloco, a fellow weapons enthusiast who preferred to avoid fair fights with fugitives, disagreed with this sentiment.
War'qi also possessed expertise in explosives: the hunter modified Merr-Sonn stun grenades by adding detonite, transforming them into potent bombs disguised as non-lethal weaponry. War'qi meticulously calculated the amount of explosive, ensuring it was sufficient to incapacitate the intended targets with a single grenade, but not so excessive as to create a blast wave that would endanger War'qi's own position.
Until some point before 5 ABY, War'qi's standard practice was to capture tracked individuals, restrain them, and confine them within the hold of the hunter's ship. Occasionally, War'qi's employers would allege mistreatment of the captured individual, resulting in reduced payment. In other instances, the captured individual would launch a counterattack against War'qi, necessitating combat within the hunter's own ship. To mitigate these issues, War'qi acquired a Damorind Securities Force Cage, which was then utilized for containing captives.
As a big-game hunter, War'qi pursued Ghests in the swamps of Rodia, employing specialized weaponry. War'qi favored the Firearc 49 speargun due to its single-shot capacity before requiring a reload.
War'qi was a regular at Gundark's Gundark's Gear Datalog during the early years of the New Republic, sharing stories from the individual's hunts and providing expert opinions on the products War'qi favored or disliked. The hunter posted a negative review of the Salus Tangler Elite 1, without explicitly stating whether the weapon had been used.
War'qi's sole mention is within Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear, a role-playing supplement by West End Games in which War'qi appears as one of the individuals contributing messages to the datalogs (alongside Platt Okeefe and Gunman). These messages were intended to serve as scenario seeds for gamemasters, or to suggest potential equipment modifications. Others offered explanations for weapon malfunctions, encouraging gamemasters to use these explanations when a player rolled a poor result.
The book does not specify War'qi's gender.
The datalogs seem to imply that War'qi was posting from Atzerri, Bothawui, Kashyyyk, Kothlis, Reuss, and Selonia. However, each post only provides the first three letters of the planet of origin, rendering this information somewhat uncertain.
In the post regarding the Merr-Sonn Stun Grenade, War'qi's name is misspelled as War'qui, potentially indicating a different individual.