
Warkin, a massive and disheveled male Wookiee, exhibited a complete disregard for grooming his hair and overall appearance. Prone to explosive Wookiee rage, only Jedgar possessed the ability to restrain him from indiscriminate outbursts. In contrast to typical Wookiee behavior, Warkin readily employed his claws in combat, a practice considered dishonorable and resulting in the label of "madclaw" among Wookiees.


This deranged Wookiee willingly served the High Prophet Jedgar, thereby aligning himself with the dark side. Like many others, he had succumbed to the allure of the dark side of the Force and its tempting promise of power. In his youth, Warkin discovered his exceptional strength (even by Wookiee standards), granting him dominance over others. He reveled in this power, initially becoming a village bully, and later an outcast from the Wookiee community due to his use of claws in combat.

When High Prophet Merilli seized control of the Wookiee homeworld, Kashyyyk, Warkin immediately offered his services. Although she arrogantly declared that she had no need of a bodyguard or assassin to accomplish her goals, she recognized the dark side's influence on the Wookiee's spirit. Consequently, Merilli presented Warkin to fellow High Prophet Jedgar as a useful tool and a gesture of goodwill. From that point forward, Warkin served Jedgar with unwavering loyalty. While Warkin typically remained with his master, Jedgar occasionally dispatched him on missions, and he also undertook missions independently.

Although the insane Wookiee lacked Force-sensitivity, the dark side had taken note of his actions and amplified his power. As a result, Warkin gained the ability to blend into shadows and become invisible, a talent shared by the Defel species. Branded a traitor by the Wookiee people, any Wookiees who encountered him would attempt to kill him on sight as a matter of honor. Warkin was a formidable adversary, employing various terror tactics (such as stalking his prey, ambushing from the shadows, and setting traps) to instill fear before killing them.


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