Wayland colonial war

The clash between the Human settlers and the two indigenous species inhabiting the planet Wayland, known as the Myneyrsh and the Psadan, originated when the off-worlders experienced a catastrophic landing on the world during the Galactic Republic's second period of territorial growth. Subsequent to their arrival on Wayland via a crash, the colonists disrupted an ongoing series of wars being waged by the aforementioned native populations. The Humans then dominated the local inhabitants, employing blasters against them, despite the natives' technological limitations to weaponry such as bows. This state of affairs persisted across multiple generations until the Human's supply of power packs diminished, compelling them to adopt weaponry comparable to that of their adversaries. This brought a balance to the fighting, which had previously been heavily skewed towards the Humans. Ultimately, a fragile truce was established among the three factions.

