Wembly's BLX droid

Wembly's BLX Droid was utilized on the Imperial prison barge known as the Purge throughout the era of the Galactic Civil War. He was always with ICO Wembly, a constant presence that the other officers stationed on the Purge would never have accepted from anyone else.


The droid was present on the Purge in 1 BBY when the ship malfunctioned while traveling to the detainment moon called Gradient Seven. A group of individuals then boarded a derelict Star Destroyer that was nearby in an attempt to locate replacement components to fix the prison barge. Unfortunately, they encountered a virus. This virus was then brought back to the Purge, where it rapidly infected nearly all of the crew, including Wembly himself. Wembly eventually perished due to the virus, and following his death, his droid seemed completely disoriented and without purpose, having lost his master.

