Wembly, an Imperial Corrections Officer nearing sixty years of age, was assigned to the Imperial prison barge, the Purge. It was there that he encountered Armo Drane, who requested that the officer deliver a message to his wife, Tso Sook Drane, a promise Wembly made. A droid on the Purge had chosen Wembly as its master and shadowed his every move, a situation that other officers on the barge would not have accepted. Following the Purge's malfunction, Wembly told inmates Kale and Trig Longo that a team had been dispatched to a close-by abandoned Star Destroyer. Wembly also informed the brothers that Aur Myss had placed a bounty of 10,000 credits on their heads. He contracted the Blackwing virus, ultimately succumbing to it, but his final act was to liberate the Longo brothers. The letter was found on the Purge after a plague had wiped out its inhabitants, so it probably did not reach him before it was made available for public, scholarly use regarding the history of the Purge.