Trig Longo

As a prisoner identified as Inmate ICN-299282 within the Imperial penal system, Trig Longo was incarcerated on the Imperial prison barge known as the Purge. He was there with his brother, Kale Longo, around 1 BBY. During their voyage, the barge suffered a catastrophic malfunction. He was among the few who survived the events that transpired on the Purge.


Trig Longo in the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir


An outbreak swept through the Purge, but the brothers were immune, while many succumbed to the disease. Trig was scared, and Kale tried his best to comfort him and encourage him to discuss what befell their father, Von, but Trig remained silent. During this period, Kale began writing a letter to Von but didn't finish it, stashing it beneath his bedding. Trig discovered it without Kale's awareness and added his own thoughts.

Trig and Kale attempted to trade illicit blasters and power cells with Aur Myss, but the deal turned dangerous when Myss tried to have them killed. Kale retaliated by removing the rings embedded in Myss's face, and they managed to escape. Later, a guard named Wembly informed Trig that Myss had placed a bounty on both him and his brother. Soon after, Myss was placed in the cell adjacent to the Longo brothers. When the plague devastated the Purge, Trig and Kale remained unaffected by the illness. However, they were without sustenance and faced starvation. Wembly, in his final act, released the cell doors. Trig and Kale exited, only to be immediately confronted by Myss. Kale dispatched him by plunging a knife into his skull.

The brothers encountered numerous corpses scattered throughout the Purge. Believing themselves to be the only survivors, they located an escape pod and prepared to flee. However, Jareth Sartoris appeared and commandeered the pod, leaving them behind. Trig and Kale moved to the opposite end of the ship and discovered another escape pod. There, they encountered Han Solo and Chewbacca, who intended to take the pod and abandon them once more. However, Zahara Cody arrived and informed them that the pod required launch codes to operate. Cody and the two smugglers went to the command center to retrieve the codes, while Trig and Kale guarded the pod.

Hearing a sound, Kale went to investigate, leaving Trig behind. Trig then heard scratching sounds emanating from within the pod. At that moment, Cody located the codes and unlocked the door. A zombie emerged and pursued Trig, attempting to devour him. He managed to evade it and found Kale. More zombies appeared, and the brothers fled to the command center, where Cody, Han, and Chewie were struggling against more zombies. Trig noticed the lifeless body of his father and tried to approach him. Kale intervened, saving him, but was bitten by his father in the process. Subsequently, the five survivors boarded the Vector, hoping to find a means of escape.

Vector and Familiar Faces

The group realized that releasing the tractor beam was necessary before taking a ship, and they tried to reach the Star Destroyer's command center. Kale's injury prevented him from walking, so he remained behind with Cody, while Trig and the two smugglers continued onward.

While being pursued by zombies, Trig, Han, and Chewbacca discovered that the only route to the command center involved crossing a narrow catwalk over a chasm. Trig was afraid to cross, and so he stayed behind, while Han and Chewie proceeded. Trig was surprised to see his brother Kale walk past him and enter a chamber. Trig followed Kale, wondering why his brother was not responding to him. Upon entering the room, Kale was nowhere to be found. Trig soon realized the room was filled with corpses. The door back out was locked, but there was a ventilation shaft overhead. Climbing the bodies, Trig realized he was being chased by a zombie wearing a stormtrooper helmet. Trig reached the shaft, but the zombie jumped on top of him and the helmet came off. Trig was horrified to find it was his brother Kale. One half of his face had been shot off and his body had been infected by the plague. Crying and seeing there was no way to save his beloved brother, Trig pushed him out of the shaft and into the chasm below.

Trig soon saw the chasm was full of zombies, the original crew of the Star Destroyer. They only way to escape was to go down to the catwalk. If he missed he would fall into the heap of the dead. Going back up was not an option either. The dead bodies had come to life and were following the smell of fresh meat that Trig represented. The decision was taken out of his hands when the creatures at the bottom of the pit began to fire blaster rifles up at him, damaging the ventilation shaft and causing him to fall out onto the catwalk. Trig managed to hold on, but the zombies began to jump out after him. They all missed except for one, who latched onto Trig's leg. It was Aur Myss. While Han Solo and Chewbacca debated going back out onto the catwalk after him, Trig finally lost his grip and began to plummet down towards the waiting dead. Just as it seemed death would be imminent, a hoverlifter smacked into them. Myss plummeted below and Trig was swept inside. The pilot was Jareth Sartoris. Picking up Han and Chewie — who had disabled the tractor beam — Sartoris told Trig that his father had been a good man and would have been proud of him. Sartoris had been bitten and knew he was going to die. Realizing that his weight was slowing down the lifter, he told Trig to take the controls and then jumped below, into the sea of creatures.

Escape from the Plague

Assuming Cody was dead, Trig, Han, and Chewie headed to a shuttle that Sartoris had mentioned. They departed in it, accompanied by two stormtroopers. Their sense of security was shattered when they discovered a zombie had infiltrated the shuttle. It swiftly killed both troopers before attacking Han, but Zahara Cody, who had been rescued by another stormtrooper, White, shot it.

During their journey back to civilization, Han instructed Trig in piloting the shuttle. The four survivors from the Vector and the Purge ultimately landed on Galantos. Han and Chewie departed, stating their intention to retrieve their impounded ship, while Trig accompanied Cody to the planet Chandrila. Trig and Cody delivered a letter to Kai Zook, written by her husband to her and her children before he succumbed to the plague. She invited them in for refreshments. Trig confided in Cody that he could envision settling down there one day, though his future remains uncertain.

The Dathomir outbreak

Despite the Vector incident, the Blackwing project was not terminated but was instead relocated to a clandestine Imperial Research and Prison Facility situated on the remote world of Dathomir. The Empire recruited accomplished scientists from across the galaxy to participate in the project.

Undeads in the Quarantine Zone of Dathomir.

However, in 1 ABY, an accident occurred at the Imperial Research and Prison Facility, leading to another escape of the virus from containment. Once again, the virus decimated the local population, transforming them into ravenous zombies. The undead consisted primarily of Imperial soldiers and prisoners from the Imperial Research and Prison Facility, as well as native Dathomiri Witches.

Rather than resorting to orbital bombardment to sterilize the area, the Empire swiftly established a Quarantine Zone to contain the infection. Darth Vader was unwilling to relinquish the virus and the associated research data. The few individuals who survived the initial outbreak, mainly Imperial personnel and prisoners, found themselves trapped within the Quarantine Zone. They established five camps within the area, named Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, in an attempt to secure their safety while awaiting evacuation. The camps were frequently subjected to zombie attacks. Furthermore, all rescue teams were ambushed upon landing, with their members being killed before they could reach the survivors.

Zahara Cody and Trig Longo in Camp Alpha.

Doctor Zahara Cody and Trig Longo soon arrived on Dathomir, being dropped off at Camp Alpha from the Millennium Falcon by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Cody and Longo intended to distribute an anti-virus developed by Dr. Cody during the Vector incident to the survivors within the Quarantine Zone. Cody administered the vaccine to the survivors, as well as to the spacers who arrived in the Quarantine Zone. Darth Vader had dispatched Captain Piett to recruit volunteers for entering the quarantine zone and obtaining an original sample of the Blackwing virus from the research center. Simultaneously, both the Rebel Alliance and the Black Sun managed to acquire Imperial authorization for the Quarantine Zone, and Han Solo and Guri dispatched their own agents to locate the virus before the Empire could. Dr. Cody and Longo agreed to distribute the anti-virus to all spacers, regardless of their affiliation.

Behind the scenes

Trig Longo was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Trig Longo was included in the game with the "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, released on October 12, 2009.

