Camp Delta

Camp Delta was one of the five different refugee encampments that were created within the Quarantine Zone located on Dathomir. These camps were established after the Blackwing virus outbreak during the time of the Galactic Civil War.


In the year 1 ABY, an incident occurred at an Imperial Research and Prison Facility situated on the planet of Dathomir. Within this facility, the Galactic Empire was secretly involved in perilous scientific experiments aimed at transforming the terrible Blackwing virus into a bioweapon. The virus escaped its confinement, turning most of the individuals in the vicinity into flesh-hungry undead beings. The Empire quickly put in place a Quarantine Zone as a means of controlling the spread of the infection. The few individuals who managed to survive the virus's initial outbreak, consisting mainly of Imperial personnel and prisoners, found themselves trapped within the Quarantine Zone. To ensure their safety and await possible evacuation, they established five camps within the zone: Camp Alpha, Camp Beta, Camp Gamma, Camp Delta, and Camp Epsilon. However, any rescue teams that attempted to land in the area were attacked, and their members were killed before they could reach the survivors. These camps were named by Jeb Maris, a TIE pilot who had successfully delivered radios from Camp Alpha to the other camps, thereby establishing communication between them.

Unlike the other camps, which were constructed hastily using concrete slabs, damaged equipment, and discarded materials, Camp Delta was heavily fortified and included its own protective wall. Before the epidemic, the camp had served as a forward outpost, forming part of the Imperial Research and Prison Facility's defensive infrastructure. However, with the exception of TR-522, all of the stormtroopers stationed there were infected and died during the outbreak. Camp Delta then became home to a diverse group of survivors, including Imperial troopers, former prisoners, and soldiers from the Rebel Alliance. The camp's defense was overseen by Imperial Lieutenant Erlem Marh. The camp was under constant attack from the undead, and the refugees fought for their survival. Other survivors included the stormtrooper TR-522 and the Bothan Oona Wran.

Later, several spacers visited Camp Delta during their time in the Quarantine Zone, helping the survivors in their fight against the undead.

Behind the scenes

Camp Delta appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game known as Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Camp Delta was integrated into the game through "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, which was released on October 12, 2009.

