
A stormtrooper known as TR-522 was a male Human who served the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, the stormtrooper TR-522 found himself stationed on the world of Dathomir. His assignment was a small outpost, a component of the defense network for the clandestine Imperial Research and Prison Facility. TR-522 was known to wear black Imperial Spec Ops Officer armor.

During 1 ABY, an accident transpired at the Imperial Research and Prison Facility. The Blackwing virus being researched at the facility broke free from containment, devastating the local population and transforming them into ravenous undead beings. At TR-522's outpost, every stormtrooper present during the outbreak was infected, becoming zombies. TR-522 seemed immune, narrowly escaping the undead by battling his former comrades with his stun baton.

Camp Delta in the Quarantine Zone of Dathomir.

As a response, the Galactic Empire rapidly put in place a Quarantine Zone with the aim of containing the spread. The few survivors of the initial outbreak, including TR-522, were isolated within this Quarantine Zone. These survivors established settlements to fend off the recurring zombie attacks and seek safety as they awaited rescue. TR-522 sought refuge at Camp Delta, his previous outpost, with Imperial Lieutenant Erlem Marh and the Bothan named Oona Wran.

Later on, a spacer arrived at Camp Delta and gave TR-522 a radio. The radio was a gift from Jeb Maris, an Imperial pilot stationed at Camp Alpha who had decided to create a communication network between the various camps. With radios distributed to the five camps within the Quarantine Zone, the survivors were then able to effectively coordinate high-altitude supply drops delivered from beyond the Quarantine Zone.

Behind the scenes

Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts before its shutdown on December 15, 2011, TR-522 existed as a non-player character. TR-522 was implemented into the game through "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, which was released on October 12, 2009.

