Wetland assault stormtrooper

Swamptroopers, also known as wetland assault stormtroopers, represented a specialized division of stormtroopers. They underwent specific training and received specialized equipment for operations within forested wetlands and other semi-aquatic areas, including lakes, rivers, and settlements constructed on or adjacent to waterways. For enhanced camouflage, their armor featured a green coloration.


Swamptrooper armor which saw use during the time of the Galactic Civil War

These soldiers, specially trained for prolonged operations in swampy terrains, were deployed to dense swamps and similar environments such as lakes, rivers, and other waterways where settlements were concentrated on habitable planets. Upgraded green armor distinguished them, facilitating easier operations in humid and toxic environments. The green tint of their armor aided camouflage in forested wetlands. While training assisted the swamp troopers in navigating the swamps, a sealed suit and body glove equipped with environmental sealants to protect against various biological hazards prevalent in swamps (such as toxic bacteria, stinging insect swarms, and amphibious carnivores), specialized rebreathers within their helmets enabling underwater breathing for short durations, an emergency flotation device, and an enhanced viewfinder featuring multi-spectrum capabilities and terrain mapping software, collectively enhanced their survival prospects in the often perilous swamps where they operated. With the exception of squad leaders, who were equipped with Imperial Heavy Repeaters, each swamptrooper carried the Golan Arms FC-1 flechette launcher. Emergency floats and serrated vibroknives were included in their survival kits.


Early iterations of swamptrooper armor closely resembled the armor worn by clone scout troopers of the Galactic Republic, and also shared similarities with forest-style camouflage versions of scout troopers. In the period leading up to the Battle of Hoth, some swamptroopers were compelled to utilize pre-owned stormtrooper scout armor, distinguished by a green hue.

During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial Swamp Troopers engaged in combat with Gungans resistance forces in the swamps of the planet Naboo.

Their armor underwent increasing specialization, and by the time of the assault on the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, it exhibited minimal resemblance to that of scout troopers, instead bearing a closer resemblance to the armor model utilized on the Death Star.

