When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale

title: "When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale"

"When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale" is a brief narrative centered on Davin Felth, unfolding in the year 0 BBY. This story was penned by Doug Beason for inclusion in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, a collection published by Bantam Spectra in August of 1995.

Synopsis of the Story

Davin Felth, a fresh recruit, journeys to Carida alongside numerous other 18-year-olds to commence his military instruction. Through dedicated effort, he distinguishes himself as an exceptional trainee and is chosen to become an AT-AT pilot. After a significant period in virtual reality simulations, he receives the opportunity to operate a genuine AT-AT, and his sergeant escorts him to the training grounds. En route, the sergeant exits the cockpit to inspect the weaponry and ammunition. During the sergeant's absence, the AT-AT comes under attack, and Davin, unable to reach his superior, commands the AT-AT to kneel before neutralizing his assailants. Subsequently, he is informed that this was a test and that he was the first cadet to eliminate all attackers. However, when he explains to Colonel Veers that his unconventional maneuver was intended to prevent the AT-AT's legs from becoming entangled, he is reassigned to a stormtrooper unit bound for Tatooine.

Upon arriving on Tatooine, his unit, under the command of Captain Terrik, is tasked with locating an escape pod that detached from a Blockade Runner captured by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer. After a prolonged search and several false leads, Davin discovers the escape pod and finds it occupied by droids. Pursuing the droids' trail, Davin's squad investigates a Jawa sandcrawler. Upon discovering that the droids they sought were sold to a moisture farmer, Terrik orders the execution of the Jawas, and they resume their pursuit. While canvassing Mos Eisley for the missing droids, Davin and his backup enter a cantina to look into a scream, only to find a disgruntled man staring at his table. As they exit the cantina, a crazed Jawa assaults Davin's squad with a malfunctioning blaster, and one of his squad-mates kills it. Appalled by the Empire's disregard for life, Davin contemplates his future in the military when they learn that the droids are fleeing Tatooine. Rushing to Docking Bay 94 to intercept them, Davin witnesses the man from the cantina single-handedly repelling 20 or more troopers. As Terrik prepares to fatally shoot the man, Davin shoots Terrik in the back, allowing the ship to escape. Reflecting on his path, Davin decides to remain with the stormtroopers, intending to aid the rebellion from within.

