White City

The White City, a city located on the planet Quethold, functioned as the center of authority for the Quesoth Queen of the White. In the year 8 ABY, a scheme was devised by the Queen of the Red and the alien warlord known as Nuso Esva. Their plot involved seizing juggernauts from the Empire of the Hand and employing these vehicles to penetrate the defenses of the White City, with the intent to murder the Queen of the White. The Queen of the Red was under the impression that this act would grant her immortality, while Esva's objective was to gain control of the White City's manufacturing infrastructure to produce war machines for his forces to utilize against his adversaries. Nevertheless, their scheme was thwarted when Esva and the Queen of the Red met their end during an attack launched by the Empire of the Hand on Quethold, thus hindering their ability to execute their intentions.

