Princess Wilena was a Human female, sensitive to the Force, and part of the Lamont Dynasty of Daimar. She was the granddaughter of King Mitar, who governed the planet of Daimar. Wilena was the child of Princess [Erra](/article/erra], Mitar's daughter. Her father passed away soon after she was born during the Trade Conflicts occurring between Daimar and nearby planets. Sadly, her mother was later killed during the Clone Wars.
After the Galactic Empire was established, at the age of 15 years, Wilena saw Daimar refuse to yield to the new power, resulting in an Imperial blockade. Understanding the inevitability of Daimar's surrender, Mitar orchestrated Wilena's departure, along with Senator Alet Komain and a select few he wished to protect from Imperial capture. They departed Daimar aboard the starship named Wasaka, with the mission of finding Mitar's son, Prince Torrin, who commanded a resistance group operating off-world. The Wasaka successfully navigated past the blockade, transporting Wilena and the others to Byrsym, where they connected with Torrin's organization. Subsequently, they journeyed aboard the Wasaka to Dantooine, where they met with Torrin and his team.