
Wolver, an officer holding the rank of lieutenant within the ranks of the Imperial Navy, was stationed aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Vengeance throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. In the period nine months after the Battle of Yavin, Wolver, together with Lieutenant Tier, went with Captain Thrawn on a journey to S'krrr with the purpose of examining S'krrr artistic creations. As Thrawn dedicated his time to analyzing the Sikadian Gardens, Wolver departed from the shuttle named Tessera to transmit a communication to the officer in charge. Nevertheless, during his transit to Thrawn, a group of drog beetles launched an assault, resulting in Wolver being consumed. Later, Thrawn, accompanied by Zak and Tash Arranda, came upon his remains, thereby instigating a formal inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Wolver's demise.

