On the planet of Tatooine, the Hutts utilized a golden type of currency referred to as the wupiupi. A single trugut was equivalent to sixteen wupiupi coins, while a peggat was worth sixty-four. A single wupiupi coin's value was approximately 0.625 Republic credits. An ancient Huttese trade code was present on one side of the wupiupi coins.
During the time of the Invasion of Naboo, the Mos Espa Market sold large amphibians known as gorgs for the substantial price of seven wupiupi each.

The prequel trilogy of Star Wars began with the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was the first time wupiupi were seen. The images of wupiupi coins used in Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia are actually real-world Ottoman coins that were issued by Sultans Selim III and Mahmud II.
The Obi-Wan Kenobi television series featured wupiupi in its second episode, marking its initial appearance in a show, and the first time the prop making team designed the currency. The team crafted a minimum of four prop coins, ensuring they possessed intricate detailing.