X-Wing: Wraith Squadron is the complete, spoken-word rendition of the Aaron Allston penned Star Wars Legends novel bearing the same title. Random House Audio made the audiobook available on February 6, 2024, as a component of The Essential Legends Collection.
As the conflict against the Empire rages on, the X-wing pilots put their lives and their machines on the line to defend the Rebel Alliance. They are now tasked with a perilous clandestine operation—posing as the crew of an Imperial warship.
Wedge Antilles conceived the most daring strategy: a clandestine unit of X-wing pilots, hand-picked from the rejects and outcasts of other units, offering them a final shot at redemption. However, before the new recruits finish their training, their base comes under attack from former Imperial Admiral Trigit, forcing Wraith Squadron into action—commandeering an Imperial warship and assuming the identities of its crew. Their objective: to gather crucial intelligence on Trigit's clandestine weaponry, disrupt the admiral's schemes, and bait him into an Alliance trap. This high-stakes gamble pits Wraith Squadron's band of unconventional renegades against the Empire's most cunning master of deception.
Can they rise to the occasion?
Failure results in immediate death.
Marc Thompson lent his voice as the narrator for the audiobook, which Random House Audio launched on February 6, 2024, within the framework of the The Essential Legends Collection. Cathleen Conte recorded the audiobook at CDM Sound Studios, while Justin Kilpatrick handled the editing. Paul Goodrich managed the post-production and sound mixing. Kevin Thomsen took on the roles of producer and director, with Nick Martorelli acting as the executive producer.
- ISBN 9780593910160 ; February 6 , 2024 ; Random House Audio ; Digital audiobook [1]