A battle droid known as X operated during the era of the Galactic Civil War. A worker at a spaceport discovered him within a warehouse belonging to his creator, the Kyrotech Corporate Combine. Subsequently, the worker sold the droid through the black market to Zhen Mirat, who was the leader of a pirate group. During a conflict between Mirat's gang and Rebel Alliance operatives, the latter learned that X possessed a pre-existing flaw programmed-in.
X, a Kyrotech Blademaster X-260 battle droid, was created by the Kyrotech Corporate Combine around the time of the Galactic Civil War. However, he was left unused in the manufacturer's storage facility. Eventually, a spaceport employee came across the droid. Recognizing an opportunity to easily acquire credits, the employee offered him for sale on the black market. Zhen Mirat, who commanded the Fatal Visionaries pirate organization, soon acquired X. Mirat then reprogrammed the droid to suit his purposes.
On one occasion, Rebel Alliance agents rescued Cyra and Tine, the wife and daughter of Vazan Felix, a former free-trader and member of the Fatal Visionaries. Mirat had been holding them captive to exert control over Felix. Following this, the agents confronted the pirate gang. It was during this confrontation that the Rebels discovered X's vulnerability: his programming prevented him from acting in ways that could harm the Kyrotech Corporate Combine.
X's structure was a slender and elegant, fully articulated humaniform standing at a height of 1.9 meters. His plating was polished chrome, and his optical sensors emitted a vibrant fluorescent [green](/article/color-legends] glow. In combat situations, X killed his adversaries with efficiency, grace, and minimal exertion. The droid's subroutines prohibited him from acting against his manufacturer's interests, presenting a potential weakness that adversaries could exploit against him. X possessed limited self-awareness; however, like other battle droids, he had the capacity to develop a personality over an extended period.
X was outfitted with a sonar device and a comlink, but he lacked integrated speech capabilities. He carried a blaster pistol, a magnablade propellor, and a vibroblade, and he could magnetically attach his weaponry to his exterior, allowing for immediate access.
X was referenced within "Iron Hands, Captive Hearts," a roleplaying source article authored by Joe Littrell for use alongside Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. It was featured in the sixty-eighth issue of Polyhedron magazine, released in February of 1992. The article operates under the assumption that the adventure seeds presented within it will unfold as described.
- " Iron Hands, Captive Hearts " — Polyhedron 68 (First mentioned) (Unlicensed)