Y-4 Transport

The Y-4 Transport, a military transport, was brought to life by Incom Corporation. These vessels were a common sight during the Zsinj campaign, so much so that they became almost synonymous with Zsinj's Raptors, often being referred to as Y-4 Raptors in everyday speech.


Side view of the transport

The Y-4, a resilient spacecraft, was built for swift movement and powerful strikes, incorporating a set of retractable wings designed for rapid deceleration and improved agility. These features, combined with meter-thick, heat-dissipating armor and multiple layers of spray-on heat shielding, allowed the Y-4 to fully utilize its remarkable velocity without the need to reduce speed due to atmospheric friction. This made the Y-4 a favorite among Zsinj's Raptors for quick and stealthy deployments onto planetary surfaces.

Measuring just under thirty meters in length, the Y-4 was operated by a small crew consisting of a single pilot and two gunners, and it possessed the capacity to transport forty soldiers, four AT-STs, and a number of PX-10 CAVws and military speeder bikes. Deploying assault ramps allowed for the rapid exit of both troops and vehicles in a matter of seconds. As a modestly armed platform, the Y-4 featured a pair of dual laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher for defensive purposes, providing substantial cover for its passengers during disembarkation.

Civilian Version

A civilian version of the Y-4 existed, lacking the armaments and armor plating of its military counterpart, and it was slower overall. However, it was still considered adequately fast for use as a courier. Despite possessing hyperspace capabilities, the risk of pirates and other dangers led many owners to equip their civilian Y-4s with weaponry for self-defense. Civilian Y-4 models were extensively employed by Warlord Zsinj as maintenance and supply ships.

Historical Information

Y-4 Raptor schematics

The Y-4 was presented to the Galactic Empire shortly before Incom's nationalization. However, it did not achieve widespread adoption due to the Empire's bias against Incom, stemming from suspicions regarding the Rebel sympathies of the company's creators.

The Rebel Alliance made use of a Y-4 at a designated rendezvous point located on Fest. Three captured All Terrain Personal Transports were evacuated aboard the transport.

During their campaign against Zsinj, the New Republic seized several Y-4 transports. Han Solo even went so far as to appropriate one of the transponder codes from these vessels for use on the Millennium Falcon.

