
Yansan, a Ho'Din male from the planet Moltok, served as a saboteur and is classified as a Ho'Din by species. As an ecology student on his home world, Yansan harbored an extreme aversion to technology, exceeding even the typical Ho'Din sentiment. His conviction grew that technology's detrimental effects were overwhelming, leading him to pursue the goal of "liberating" the galaxy from its influence.

To gain comprehensive knowledge of the subject he detested, Yansan enrolled in the Traval-Parcor System Institute of Technology, ultimately earning his degree in 1 BBY. Subsequently, he embarked on a career as a saboteur, focusing his attacks on starships, particularly within Hijoian Space, a region known for its intense Rebel activity. Approximately one-third of the starships targeted by him were either owned or operated by the Rebel Alliance, and his actions resulted in the deaths of three civilians.

Sometime around 1 ABY or 2 ABY, Yansan orchestrated the destruction of a Rebel vessel stationed at Ichalin Station, resulting in the demise of the four Rebel agents aboard, as escape was impossible.

In 2 ABY, Yansan was responsible for causing a collision between two Rebel GR-75 medium transports at Hijoian Docks. While no injuries were sustained, the Alliance faced a notable setback due to the resulting loss.

Bakki Sourthol, a Rebel pilot, was tasked with compiling an intelligence report on Yansan. Sourthol had previously encountered Yansan in the Fakir sector when the Ho'Din attempted to sabotage the transport Sourthol was traveling on. As a result of that encounter, Sourthol observed that Yansan walked with a limp, favoring his left leg, and included this detail as a distinguishing characteristic in the report.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)

Notes and references
