Yashuvhi language

The language spoken natively by the Yashuvhi people, who were Human colonists originating from Yashuvhu, was known as Yashuvhi.

Although it stemmed from the Basic language, Yashuvhi employed inflections rather than prepositions. This linguistic divergence may have arisen either from Yashuvhu's isolation as a Human settlement cut off from wider galactic contact, or potentially from the crash landing of an unknown Jedi on Yashuvhu many millennia prior, who then became a significant figure within their society (the term "Jedi" carried an almost sacred weight).

When Pathfinder III re-established contact with the world in 33 BBY, the first-contact team found Yashuvhi relatively straightforward to grasp at a fundamental level.


  • "Meet Valara Saar: Force Adept" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
