Yoshi Raph-Elan, a male Human, held the rank of Jedi Knight within the esteemed Jedi Order in the era preceding the Clone Wars.
Shortly after his advancement to the rank of Jedi Knight in 31 BBY, Raph-Elan was on a journey away from the Jedi Temple when enemy fire caused his starfighter to plummet to the surface of an obscure planet. Forced to make an emergency landing upon the desolate planet, he managed to activate an emergency signal before his vessel was destroyed. Regaining his composure, he began a trek toward a nearby settlement seeking assistance. There, he encountered a terrified populace under the oppressive rule of the dreaded Lord Gar-Oth, a Yahk-Tosh conqueror. Following a brief conflict with a battle droid in the streets, Raph-Elan determined the location of the droid's base and set off to liberate the town's inhabitants.
As the Jedi made his way up to the Royal Palace, he came upon a balcony where Princess Lourdes, the designated successor to the throne of the barren world, was standing. Recognizing him as a Jedi, she recounted the tale of her father's demise at the hands of Gar-Oth, and how a prophecy foretelling a hero known as the Foreseen provided her people with hope for liberation. As her attendant Skeeter prepared the Princess for an evening ball, Lourdes proclaimed that Raph-Elan would accompany her, disguised as a servant. Clad in formal attire, Raph-Elan was dismayed to discover the dictator's intention to marry Lourdes, thereby legitimizing his conquest of the planet. Revealing his true identity, the Jedi brandished his lightsaber, only to find that it had sustained damage during the crash. Enraged by the Jedi's arrival, Lord Gar-Oth unveiled his wedding gift for his intended bride: a Goliath droid. Ordering the droid to eliminate the Jedi, Raph-Elan skillfully employed the Force to inflict damage upon the massive machine, while simultaneously utilizing wiring salvaged from the damaged droid to repair his lightsaber. After defeating the droid, the Jedi discovered that Lourdes had slain Gar-Oth with a sword taken from his Jilruan guard.
Shortly thereafter, within the Princess's chambers, Raph-Elan inquired whether she believed him to be the Foreseen. She responded by revealing that the prophecy stated the Foreseen was to be a woman, indicating that she herself was the subject of the prophecy. Confessing her affections for him, Lourdes requested that he return to her once he had matured further. Skeeter then informed them that the Jedi rescue team had arrived, and Raph-Elan safely departed for Coruscant. Aboard the Jedi courier 1101 vessel, Raph-Elan confided in the pilots that he may one day return to Princess Lourdes.
Having only recently achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, Raph-Elan struggled to maintain the unwavering focus essential for a Jedi Master. However, he was certainly not lacking in dedication, as he consistently reminded himself to concentrate on the Living Force and harness its power to bolster his strength. Possessing both compassion and a strong desire to aid those in need, he readily intervened and assisted in the overthrow of an oppressive regime. Despite living in an era where attachments were forbidden by the Jedi High Council, he developed feelings for Princess Lourdes while stranded on her planet. Despite his affection for her, he remained loyal to the Jedi Code and returned to the Order without pursuing a romantic relationship with the princess.

Like many Jedi, Raph-Elan possessed proficiency in lightsaber combat and was also highly skilled in unarmed combat. While stranded on a remote planet with a damaged lightsaber, Raph-Elan was able to defeat a GX1-series battle droid using only his hands. Further enhancing his skillset, he received training as a fighter pilot. Despite his skill, his starfighter was shot down and destroyed on a desolate world. He also showed some mechanical skills to fix his weapon.
Elan had personally constructed his own lightsaber, incorporating a rare orange crystal into its design. It had a standard hilt design with a single blade that emitted an orange hue. It sustained damage during his crash landing on a desolate planet. It was subsequently repaired using wiring scavenged from a Goliath droid. Elan also piloted a starfighter, which was shot down.
Several years after his creation for the Republic comic series, author Abel G. Peña had plans to eliminate Yoshi Raph-Elan from the narrative. Peña originally intended to include Raph-Elan on General Grievous's list of Jedi targets in Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous, but Lucasfilm removed his appearance prior to publication.