Lourdes, hailing from a relatively primitive planetoid, was the Near-Human female princess there. After the Yahk-Tosh Lord, Gar-Oth, successfully invaded her home, Lourdes allied herself with Yoshi Raph-Elan, a Jedi Knight, with the goal of liberating her people and ending the occupation.
The entire population of her homeworld celebrated Lourdes's birth. Her father, a king beloved by all, was famous for his just governing style and virtuous nature. Despite enjoying a tranquil existence, Lourdes received swordsmanship training from her father, whom she considered the most skilled swordsman in the entire system. She had numerous attendants, including Skeeter, a member of a different species.

Eventually, however, the planet of Lourdes became the target of Gar-Oth, a Yahk-Tosh Lord. Residing in a nearby star system, Gar-Oth had long desired to conquer a new world. Although it took many years for Gar-Oth to act on his ambitions, he launched an invasion in 31 BBY, assaulting her civilization with his starships and GX1-series battle droids. Despite possessing inferior weaponry and lacking a formal army, Lourdes's people resisted Gar-Oth, resulting in a brutal slaughter. To halt the senseless bloodshed, the king and his subjects surrendered to Gar-Oth, but Gar-Oth, not satisfied, had the king executed. With the death of their cherished king, despair consumed Lourdes's people, who clung to the faint prophecy of a visionary hero known as the Foreseen.
Lourdes, however, maintained both hope and a burning desire for vengeance. Battle droids belonging to Gar-Oth enforced strict control, patrolling the capital's streets around the clock. All transgressions were punishable by death. Lourdes pleaded with the Yahk-Tosh to cease the killings, and he offered to do so if she agreed to marry him. Repulsed but with no other choice, Lourdes conceded. Gar-Oth monitored his future bride closely, utilizing small hovercams for surveillance.

However, on the day of the wedding, Yoshi Raph-Elan, a newly knighted Jedi, arrived in the system of Lourdes's homeworld aboard his starfighter. Immediately targeted by Gar-Oth's attack ships, he was forced to make a crash landing on the planet. After a brief encounter with one of Gar-Oth's droids in the street, he vowed to uphold his Jedi Code and liberate the oppressed populace. By chance, Raph-Elan found his way to Lourdes's chambers, where the princess was losing her last vestige of hope at the prospect of having to endure Gar-Oth's physical attentions. She was overjoyed when Raph-Elan revealed himself to be a Jedi Knight. Lourdes suggested to Raph-Elan that he might be the Foreseen her people had been waiting for, and disguised him as a servant to bring him to her wedding.
Upon their arrival at the wedding ball, Raph-Elan deviated from their plan and proclaimed himself to be Lourdes's husband. He then brandished his lightsaber, only to discover that the crash landing had rendered it inoperable. Enraged, Gar-Oth attacked Raph-Elan, who attempted to fend off the slug-like being with the Force, only to find that Yahk-Tosh were largely resistant to Force powers. Gar-Oth then revealed his "wedding gift" to Lourdes—the monstrous Goliath battle droid. He ordered the droid to eliminate Raph-Elan, while Gar-Oth and his Jilruan guards moved to attack Lourdes herself. Gar-Oth had abandoned his plan to marry her, viewing her actions as betrayal.

Lourdes tried to defend herself with a sword, but was surprised by Gar-Oth's speed and strength. He overpowered her and began to choke her, only to be shocked when she drew another sword from beneath her robes and stabbed him. Although Gar-Oth's Jilruan guards tried to intervene, Skeeter held them at blaster-point, allowing Lourdes to finish the job. Gar-Oth perished in a pool of blood. Raph-Elan also managed to destroy the Goliath droid, repairing his lightsaber and defeating the behemoth.
Following Gar-Oth's death, Lourdes assumed the throne, becoming queen of her world. A Jedi courier ship arrived to transport Raph-Elan back to Coruscant, but before his departure, Lourdes spoke with him. She revealed that she was actually the Foreseen, as the prophesied hero had always been known to be a woman. With a kiss, she requested that he return to her planet when he was older, suggesting that he could eventually become her king.
Leland Chee stated on the StarWars.com Message Boards that his theory is that "all pointy-eared species are either Sephi or closely related to Sephi."