Han Solo is depicted as a Ureallian, alongside Luke Skywalker and Clieg Whitsun
The Yourellians, who are alternatively called Urellians or Ureallians, constituted a species of sizable aliens covered in slime. These beings possessed green skin and gills. They engaged in the hunting and trapping of Wookiees on the planet Yavin, and they communicated using the Wookiee language known as Shyriiwook.
Notably, Han Solo was a member of the Ureallian species.
During the conceptualization of his 1977 motion picture, Star Wars, George Lucas furnished descriptions of the Yourellians. They were featured in Lucas's 132-page document titled The Star Wars: Rough Draft, which was finalized in May of 1974. Within this initial screenplay, Solo is portrayed as a Ureallian, characterized as a "huge green-skinned monster lacking a nose and bearing prominent gills." He holds membership in the Jedi order of Bendu and maintains a long-standing friendship with General Skywalker. Despite Lucas's initial vision of Solo as a villainous alien figure, he ultimately opted for a Human character to foster deeper connections among the film's central trio. Consequently, Chewbacca assumed the role of the alien companion. By August of 1975, when Lucas had completed his third draft, Solo was redefined as: "A rugged, James Dean-esque starpilot, approximately twenty-five years of age, embodying the persona of a cowboy in a starship—simple, sentimental, and self-assured." This particular iteration of Solo's character ultimately materialized in the finalized version of the film.
The designation Yourellian or Ureallian underwent a slight modification through the insertion of a K or C, evolving into Korellian or Corellian. This latter term identifies the Human ethnicity of Han Solo, as established in subsequent media.
In The Star Wars 4, Han Solo was depicted as a Urellian. This comic adapted from Lucas's original drafts is a licensed work, but it is not considered part of the official canon.