
The Z-'ceptor represented a class of "Ugly" starfighter, constructed from recovered components of Z-95 Headhunters and TIE Interceptors.


This variety of "ugly" starfighter incorporated the forward section of the Headhunter's body, connected to the "eyeball" shaped body of a TIE Interceptor, along with the Headhunter's engines and the Interceptor's solar panels. In terms of armament, the vehicle was equipped with the twin laser cannons taken from the TIE's wings. Additionally, the Z-95's original cannons were mounted on either side of the main body. The fighter also featured a double-barreled cannon, similar to a BTL Y-wing starfighter's ion cannon turret, positioned atop the "eyeball" cockpit. Unusually, a socket designed for an astromech droid was located at the front of the fighter, instead of behind the pilot.


Z-interceptors served as starfighters for groups such as Kavil's Corsairs and the Kintan Gunrunners. Furthermore, they participated in the mass killing at the Rendili mine-colonies, which were inhabited by Yuzzum escaping Imperial persecution due to their religious convictions.

