Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation

The Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation functioned as an entity that manufactured vehicles, most notably the TSMEU-6 personal wheel bike. This particular bike achieved significant popularity within mining sectors and notably saw use by General Grievous on the planet Utapau throughout the period of the Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes

The Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation initially surfaced in the Star Wars Legends reference material, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, authored by Curtis Saxton and made available to the public in 2005. The company's status as canon was later solidified via the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, which was unveiled in 2015.


  • Ultimate Star Wars (Initial mention)
  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 57 (Databank A-Z: Trident Assault Ship–Turbolasers)
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy

Notes and references
