Z65 patrol droid

The Z65 patrol droid represented the next generation after the 501-Z police droid, seeing use circa 137 ABY. Its purpose was to provide security and safeguard those with the financial means to acquire it. In contrast to the 501-Z, its programming was less complex and its fighting abilities were diminished. However, it was considerably more affordable, enabling the creation of a capable security detail without the need to employ biological beings. These droids featured substantial, reddish-colored bodies and a blaster cannon integrated into each of their arms, a departure from the 501-Z which had hands with articulated digits.

The Z65 model was a popular choice among lawbreakers, particularly those in positions of criminal authority. An Advozse character by the name of Brogar utilized a number of Z65 units as muscle within his cantina located on Lok at approximately 137 ABY.

