Zeta-class long-range shuttle

The Zeta-class shuttle represented a type of personnel transport designed for long-distance travel, as categorized within shuttle specifications.


Characterized by its boxy design, the Zeta-class shuttle excelled at rapidly moving personnel across vast distances, but it lacked the maneuverability required for combat situations. To facilitate extended journeys, the shuttle incorporated a pair of sizable fuel tanks, positioned on either the port or starboard side, which also housed life-support systems. These tanks featured a modular design, enabling swift replacement at designated refueling points.


The Telgorn Corporation manufactured the Zeta-class shuttle, which was initially included as standard equipment on Victory I-class Star Destroyers. Its service life concluded with the introduction of the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle from Sienar Fleet Systems's, which was designed with a greater emphasis on combat capabilities.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin occurring in 0 BBY, the Zabrak P'laang Ri salvaged the Zeta-class shuttle named Arkanoid from the forces of the Galactic Empire. Subsequently, smugglers Han Solo, Avik Lore, and Chewbacca utilized the Arkanoid to infiltrate the Imperial Zoma Station shortly after the battle, encountering no suspicion from the space station's Imperial personnel as it docked.

Furthermore, a Zeta-class shuttle was assigned to the Star Destroyer Admonitor during its assignment in the Unknown Regions, a request made by Admiral Thrawn at the time. Rumors circulated amongst Thrawn's staff suggesting the shuttle was intended for a swift return to Coruscant from his banishment, should he receive a pardon. However, Thrawn ultimately employed the shuttle in a successful operation to infiltrate and dismantle an Ebruchi pirate organization.

