The Zongorlu represented the indigenous lifeform of the world known as Zongorlu.
The Zongorlu originated on the planet named Zongorlu, situated within the Noonian sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
Goodvalor's propaganda asserted that the Zongorlu had nine prominent warrior-tribes residing on their planet. Each tribe supposedly maintained a vacation camp for their young on Serroco; these camps were allegedly destroyed during the Mandalorian bombardment. Consequently, Goodvalor claimed the Zongorlu were deeply angered, and those residing abroad within the Galactic Republic returned to their home planet in large numbers. This included their Senator, who requested a leave of absence along with a heavy assault cannon. However, all of this information was fabricated, intended solely to deter the Mandalorians from attacking Zongorlu. This misinformation proved somewhat effective, as it prompted numerous Mandalorians on Taris to pester Koblus Sornell with inquiries about the Zongorlu's appearance.
In reality, the Zongorlu were large, misshapen plants that moved at a glacial pace of about a meter each day. When Mandalorians landed on their planet, the Zongorlu essentially "kind of blinked." The Mandalorians became so bored on the planet that some began setting fire to the natives. Koblus Sornell prohibited this form of amusement, fearing the entire Mandalorian camp might ignite due to the rainless weather that week.