105-K lancer bike

The 105-K lancer bikes from Aratech, more widely recognized as lancer swoop bikes, were swoop bikes designed specifically for lancer trooper squads, facilitating their transportation during clandestine raids and high-speed jousting competitions.


Profile view of a 105-K.

These 105-K lancer swoop vehicles from Aratech were distinguished by their white paint job, a black visor-like design on the front, and a crest that mirrored the armor worn by the clone troopers who rode them. Due to the absence of a safety harness, riders were highly susceptible to being thrown off the bike upon impact with an obstacle via a lance. The 105-K was capable of reaching speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour and could ascend very steep inclines at high speeds.


During the Battle of Muunilinst, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi commanded a team of lancer troopers to counter the incursions executed by Durge's IG lancer droids. After seemingly eliminating the mercenary, Obi-Wan leveraged his swoop bike to accelerate and propel himself to the summit of the InterGalactic Banking Clan's command center located on the planet.

Behind the scenes

The 1050K lancer bikes initially made their debut in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series. They were later identified within the Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic article featured in Star Wars Insider 84. Furthermore, the lancers received a mention in the 2005 reference book titled The New Essential Chronology.

