The 3L41UH7 serum represents a mutagenic liquid concocted by Zeta Magnus, who was an Accelerated Transgenic Heuristic Abhorer. Throughout the era of the Clone Wars, Magnus furnished General Grievous – the cyborg Supreme Commander commanding the Droid Army belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems – with several samples of the aforementioned serum.
Abel G. Peña, the writer of SkyeWalkers, originally envisioned this very serum as the one featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars, utilized to cause mutations among the natives residing on Nelvaan. Peña, inspired by the numerous allusions present within Star Wars media referencing George Lucas's previous cinematic work, THX-1138, decided to name the substance in homage to LUH-3417, who is the love interest of the movie's main character.