The 84-U hunting rifle from Czerka Arms was a type of blaster rifle that came into existence around the Galactic Civil War era. Before 4 ABY, one such rifle designed for hunting ended up in the rancor pit beneath Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine. Later, the Yuzzum named Wam Lufba, after falling into the pit, used it to escape. After leaving the rancor pit, Lufba became an associate of the gun-runner Pote Snitkin and frequently carried the 84-U blaster rifle.
The 84-U hunting rifle was a hunting blaster model designed with a substantial stock and trigger, enabling Yuzzums to hold and use it with their large hands and fingers. The black rifle featured a long barrel and a rotatable scope attached halfway down its length. A detachable shoulder strap was also included, connecting the stock to the barrel in front of the scope. This weapon was versatile.

The 84-U hunting rifle from Czerka Arms was created around the Galactic Civil War period. Some years before 4 ABY, on Tatooine, an 84-U rifle ended up in the pit below the throne room of Jabba the Hutt's palace, who was a notable crime lord.
The rifle stayed there until Jabba threw a poacher and four Yuzzum captives into the pit to be killed by the rancor living there. As the group was being eaten, one of the Yuzzums, Wam Lufba, discovered the 84-U hunting rifle. Lufba grabbed the rifle and ran into the rancor's enclosure. The male Yuzzum used the weapon to kill three of Jabba's guards, demonstrating his skill as a marksman.
Pote Snitkin, a Skrilling gun-runner working for Jabba, saw Lufba's shooting ability and, impressed, saved Lufba from the pen. After his escape, Lufba became Snitkin's assistant and was nicknamed "Blam" because of his blaster skills. Lufba often carried the 84-U hunting rifle that had saved his life.

The 84-U hunting rifle was made for the third movie in the original trilogy, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which came out in 1983. The rifle was part of a model of Lufba created during the film's development by Nilo Rodis-Jamero and Judy Elkins in 1981. Although the rifle was made as a model and prop, it didn't appear in the film itself; Lufba was shown without it in his scenes at Jabba's palace.
The rifle wasn't shown until 1998 on Lufba's card in Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game expansion, Jabba's Palace Limited. It was later named in 2005 in the winning entry for Lufba, written by Tim Veekhoven under the name "Sompeetalay," in the Hyperspace contest, What's The Story?.
Veekhoven was inspired by From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga, a 1983 documentary, and linked the rifle to his story because it seemed odd for a Yuzzum to have such a weapon. He also named the rifle because he felt there weren't enough official names for weapons in Star Wars films, including Return of the Jedi.
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Jabba's Palace Limited (Card: Yuzzum) (backup link) (First pictured)
- "They were the chosen ones" — Sompeetalay's Source Blog — Tim Veekhoven's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. II ("Lufba, Wam 'Blam'")
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game — Agents of Deception (Card: Yuzzum) (backup link) (Picture only)
- Star Wars Character Encyclopedia
- Wam "Blam" Lufba in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First identified as 84-U hunting rifle)
- The Making of Return of the Jedi (Picture only)
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook (as Czerka Arms 84-U)
- Star Wars: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook (as Czerka Arms 84-U)