The fifth full expansion for the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, a card game rooted in the Star Wars mythos, was the Jabba's Palace Limited set. Released in May of 1998, it contains 180 cards, split evenly with 90 cards for the Dark Side and 90 for the Light Side. The set's composition includes 80 rare cards, 50 uncommon cards, and 50 common cards. This expansion brought to the forefront numerous iconic characters from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi who were integral to the events unfolding on Tatooine within Jabba the Hutt's palace. A comprehensive list of all cards within the Jabba's Palace Limited set can be accessed on the players committee's page.
As an expansion, each card shows a unique expansion symbol. You can find this symbol, representing Jabba's eye, positioned in the upper right of the card, to the right of the lore and beneath the destiny number.
Distribution of this set occurred through 9-card expansion packs, as well as 60-pack expansion boxes. Each individual pack contained one rare card, in addition to three uncommon cards, and five common cards. No starter decks were ever made available for this expansion. Production of the set halted when Decipher's license to produce the Star Wars Customizable Card Game expired. An unlimited version of this set was never created.
This set served as the initial reference point for the names of many Episode VI characters. These characters were often background figures featured in Jabba's Palace, on his sail barge, and during the battle at the sarlacc pit. Some examples include Bane Malar, Attark, Herat, Tanus Spijek, Laudica, Jess, and Loje Nella. New skiff guards were also introduced, such as Kithaba, Nysad, Vizam, and Vedain.
The production moniker "Wooof" was officially assigned here to the Nikto character who was mistakenly identified as Klaatu in Kenner's Return of the Jedi action figure collection. The Ugnaught character Yoxgit received his name in this set, retroactively identifying him as an Ugnaught from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, using the same mask.
Dark Side
- Bib Fortuna (Rare)
- Jabba the Hutt (Rare)
- Rancor (Rare)
- Salacious Crumb (Rare)
Light Side
- Artoo (Rare)
- Jedi Mind Trick (Rare)
- Princess Leia Organa (Rare)
- Tamtel Skreej (Rare)