"Aau's Song" is the ninth episode of the Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 that premiered on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
An alien child who longs to sing is raised by her loving, but stern father to stay quiet because of the calamitous effect her voice has on the crystals in the nearby mines.
The prologue mentions that the planet Korba was once rich in kyber crystals, which powered Jedi lightsabers. The kyber's power was praised throughout the galaxy until the Sith order corrupted it with the blood-red glow of the dark side of the Force. For generations, the people of Korba learn to mine the corrupted kyber crystals for the Jedi, who would painstakingly restore the crystals to their natural, harmonious state.
The episode opens with a young female Korban named Aau abseiling up a rocky cliff-face. she reaches a high summit and gazes at the mountains and structures below. Aau begins singing and reaches out to the mountains. As a yellow starship descends into Korba, she abseils down to her home village. She is greeted by her father Abat, who is also aware that Kratu's starship has arrived. While the two prepare for a meal inside their living room, Abat thinks that Kratu must be checking in with port security and will be at their home soon.
Father and daughter enjoy a hot broth laced with vegetables. Shortly later, Aau arrives in her starship. While the adults are inside the house, Aau lies down outside the yellow starship. Aau later eavesdrop on Abat's meeting with Kratu. Abat says that he has found a new mine shaft that holds some of the darkest-bled kyber he has encountered. Kratu, who is a Jedi, thinks that these crystals could be too difficult for her to purify.
Abat shows Kratu a red kyber crystal, warning Kratu that it is very unstable and dangerous. Through the Force, Aau senses the crystal singing to her. However, she trips over the logs. Aau meets with her aunt Kratu, who notices that she has grown. Through the Force, Aau senses Kratu's blue crystal calling out to her. Before the two can talk, Abat tells Kratu that he and Aau must go to work. He hands her a kyber crystal inside a box, telling her that to mine the kyber is their calling. Kratu replies that it takes courage to heed the call. She has business to attend in town but promises to visit later.
After Kratu leaves, Abat chides his daughter for using her voice near the crystal despite being told not to do so repeatedly. He tells Aau that she must learns restraint and reassures her that he wants her to be safe. The two depart on a speeder bike and drive through the streets of their village. They cross a rocky bridge and drive through the streets of a town. One Among the people wandering the town are a Mandalorian in silver Mandalorian armor. Large purple beasts walk the streets.
While Aau begins her work shift tending and grooming the fur of the purple beasts, Abat descends down into the mine to begin his shift. During her work, Aau removes a brown woodlouse-like insect which clings to the fur of the purple beasts. The brown shelled-insect scurries away. Aau later senses the wind blowing, stirring up the leaves. While a group of miners on break are chatting, Aau "borrows" a helmet and climbs down a cliff-face which leads down towards a deep tunnel.
Aau senses something sweeping out of the tunnel like a wind. While distracted, a rock that Aau is standing on comes lose and she skids down a slope. Aau manages to cling on and avoids falling down a cliff. The miners think it must be rock mice. Aau finds a small hole that leads into the dark tunnel. While descending into the mine, Aau briefly slips but regains her footing. Aau begins singing, which causes several red kyber crystals to come to light and sing to back to her.
The crescendo grows but is interrupted by the voice of her father Abat, who tells her that they need to leave now. Abat abseils down the wall of kyber crystals and carries his daughter. The two ascend up the cliff-face towards the surface. Upon reaching the entrance, Abat tells another miner that they need to get away from the spire as the structure begins crumbling. The three flee across a rope bridge as the mountain behind them crumbles.
Aau and the other miner cross the other side before the suspension bridge collapses. However, Abat is still trapped on the last rung of the suspension bridge. Aau attempts to reach to her father with the Force. Abat warns against it. Just then, the entire suspension bridge collapses, with Aau and Abat plummeting down into a deep ravine below. Before they can fall to their deaths, Kratu arrives and uses the Force to cushion their fall. She also creates a bubble around her brother and niece that shields them from the falling debris.
Kratu asks if they are able to run. Aau tells her father it is okay before standing still and singing through the Force to the crystals. In the spiritual plane, her voices transforms the red kyber crystals blue, purifying them. Back in the physical plane, Aau finds herself with her father and aunt. While Aau hugs Abat, Kratu inspects a box containing a kyber and finds that Aau has purified the crystal.
When Abat asks how, Kratu tells Aau that she has never heard anything like Aau's voice during her travels across the galaxy. She tells Aau that she has a gift but that she would have to come with her. When Abat says that his daughter's life is here, Kratu responds that they cannot chose where their calling takes them but they can choose whether to answer or ignore it. Kratu gives Aau a fortnight to consider before they leave Korba.
Later, Aau and Abat enjoy a meal of fruits. When Abat asks if she is ready, Aau says that she is. Before Aau departs aboard Kratu's starship, Abat tells Aau that she is the first of their kind to step out into the stars. He touches her cheeks, telling Aau that he is proud of her. Aau hugs her father before leaving. Kratu's ship powers up and Aau runs aboard. As the starship ascends into the stars, Aau waves to her father. They fly past a giant kyber crystal.