An ancient Alderaanian lullaby was known to individuals including Taselda, a Human former Jedi of Alderaanian and Hapan descent, and Leia Organa Solo, a Jedi and princess of the planet Alderaan. The song was easy to perform for the average parent to their child as it had a gentle melody and a narrow range of notes. Its first stanza mentions thrantas, which were creatures native to Alderaan.
The lullaby was Taselda's mnemonic key, used by Taru Durn and other Theran Listeners to trigger her mesmeric trance during mnemotherapy, while Leia Organa sang the lullaby to her infant children, Jacen and Jaina Solo. On the world Nam Chorios in 44 ABY, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker sang the ancient lullaby to Taselda to invoke the mnemotherapy technique as his old friend had succumbed to the influence of the dark side entity Abeloth.