An aquachair appears in the short story "An Extinct Guest," written by Trevor J. Wilson and Craig Robert Carey as part of a larger article, "Alien Encounters," which was published in August 1997 in Star Wars Adventure Journal 14. In the story, Tem Eliss sits in an aquachair and sets his datapad upon one of its arms. The short story follows a short biography of Eliss that includes an image of the scientist drawn by artist Pablo Hidalgo. The illustration shows Eliss seated upon a round contraption, but from the context, it is unclear if this represents his aquachair or some other seating device.
An aquachair appears in the short story "An Extinct Guest," written by Trevor J. Wilson and Craig Robert Carey as part of a larger article, "Alien Encounters," which was published in August 1997 in Star Wars Adventure Journal 14. In the story, Tem Eliss sits in an aquachair and sets his datapad upon one of its arms. The short story follows a short biography of Eliss that includes an image of the scientist drawn by artist Pablo Hidalgo. The illustration shows Eliss seated upon a round contraption, but from the context, it is unclear if this represents his aquachair or some other seating device.