Astrogation plotter

An astrogation plotter was a basic tool of hyperspace navigation. Normally kept in a strongbox under the main engineering console with a galactic chart of pulsars and other variable stars, it was employed in circumstances when the navigation computer systems of a starship had suffered a catastrophic failure. By manually plotting the position of at least two such stars, a spacer could plot a rudimentary course for the hyperdrive and avoid being stranded in the depths of space.

Republic Sienar Systems manufactured the A-121 Plotter during the reign of the Galactic Republic.

Astrogation plotter was first mentioned in the Platt's Smugglers Guide, a 1997 supplement to West End Games' version of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the canon continuity, a similar device known as an hyperspace sextant was first mentioned in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo.

Behind the scenes

Astrogation plotter was first mentioned in the Platt's Smugglers Guide, a 1997 supplement to West End Games' version of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the canon continuity, a similar device known as an hyperspace sextant was first mentioned in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo.


  • Platt's Smugglers Guide
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual
