Battle between the Chiss and Yuuzhan Vong

A battle between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Praetorite Vong took place by 27 BBY at Vun'Hanna and the Twilight Void. The battle ultimately ended in the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong forces.


The extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong had begun scouting and settling the galaxy in preparation for their invasion at least as early as 32 BBY when they began their attack upon Zonama Sekot. By 27 BBY, a small reconnaissance force encountered a Chiss force under the command of Admiral Ar'alani, and attacked with immediate ferocity. The Yuuzhan Vong fleet force was destroyed after it attacked with significant ferocity.


Shortly after the attack, Force Commander Thrawn encountered the Bargain Hunter, leading to fears that the Galactic Republic and the Praetorite Vong were allies staging a joint invasion against the Chiss Ascendancy. When Special Task Force One arrived in the Unknown Regions and Kinman Doriana used the threat of Jedi falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong as a pretext to destroy the Outbound Flight, Thrawn was convinced to agree to the plan due to the knowledge of the difficulty the Chiss had faced against the limited Yuuzhan Vong scout force.

Years later, at the start of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Panha would mention the skirmish to Sarkkin. In the year 55 ABY, the author Lenang O'Pali mentioned the encounter at Vun'Hanna and the Twilight Void in the publication Mitth'raw'nuruodo Reconsidered: A Patriot's Perspective.


  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare









