Battle of Eredenn

The battle

A Republic base installed on Eredenn Prime.

A Republic base installed on Eredenn Prime.

At Count Dooku's command, Tann's army quickly exterminated the clone trooper garrison there and captured the research facilities that were working on the Decimators. Wookiee reinforcements of the Eredenn Prime army arrived too late to save the clones and half their forces fell to the CIS. Nevertheless, their diversion allowed clone troopers to escape to Alaris Prime with the operational codes for the Decimators.

The Eredenn base is destroyed.

The Eredenn base is destroyed.


She retrieved the machines and took a protocol droid that had data on the Decimator. Sev'rance Tann had thus gotten one step closer to having the Decimator under her control.

Decimators are stolen by the CIS.

Decimators are stolen by the CIS.


  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



