
Betsy was a female carrion spat owned by the miner Volo Madine during the Galactic Civil War.


In 1 ABY, the Volo Madine was present on the planet Dathomir to extract ore when an accident took place in the Imperial Research and Prison Facility nearby. The Blackwing virus that was studied there escaped containment and decimated most of the people in the area, turning them into starving undead creatures. Volo Madine was soon attacked by the zombies but was he rescued by his Betsy. The creature charged the undeads, allowing her master to escape the undeads and run away. Madine assumed that Betsy was killed by the undeads and was devastated by the loss of his pet. However, the carrion spat managed to escape the creatures and fled in the wilderness.

Later, the Galactic Empire established a Quarantine Zone to contain the infection. Madine was trapped in the zone and eventually took shelter in Camp Beta. A spacer later stumbled upon a alive and well Betsy while venturing in the Quarantine Zone. The adventurer decided to bring back the carrion spat to her owner and finally found Volo Madine in Camp Beta. The man was immensely pleased to figure out his pet survived and deeply grateful to the spacer.

Behind the scenes

Betsy appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Betsy was added to the game with the "Game Update 14," a.k.a. the "Death Troopers" update, released on October 12, 2009.



