Cult of Exar Kun

The Cult of Exar Kun was a Sith cult that was devoted to the worship of the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun.


The Cult of Exar Kun was formed in 1 ABY, when a Corellia University expedition carried out an archaeological expedition to the Temple of Exar Kun on Yavin 4. They accidentally uncovered the catacombs beneath the temple, which reawakened the spirit of Exar Kun. The spirit enslaved them to it, making them into fanatical cultists that were devoted to its worship.

A number of the cultists traveled to a Corellia University research outpost on Talus and recruited some new members to their ranks from among the students and researchers there. One researcher resisted, because he claimed that people were being compelled by an unknown force to join the cult against their wills, so he was killed.

The cult based themselves around the catacombs beneath the Temple of Exar Kun, until it was wiped out by a group of spacers, who were hired by Professor Cornelius Wagglehorn to destroy it.

Behind the scenes

The Cult of Exar Kun appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Cult of Exar Kun was added to the game along with the "Exar Kun" Heroic Encounter, introduced with the release of the "Chapter 9" update, on April 3, 2008.


  • Strongholds of Resistance



