Early in the Galactic Civil War, the planet served as a listening outpost for the Rebel Alliance monitoring Imperial fleet movements. The Rebel activity on the planet was discovered and eliminated by Lord Darth Vader and a group of Imperial Storm commandos prior to the Battle of Yavin.
Daltarra first appeared in 2001's Rebellion Era Sourcebook. A similarly named "Daltar" in 1998's PC game Star Wars: Rebellion is a typo for "Datar" from 1995's Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Daltarra first appeared in 2001's Rebellion Era Sourcebook. A similarly named "Daltar" in 1998's PC game Star Wars: Rebellion is a typo for "Datar" from 1995's Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina.
- Rebellion Era Sourcebook