Daykim's Kingdom

Daykim's Kingdom was a refugee community located in the undercity of Coruscant beneath Imperial City. The Kingdom was composed of King Onibald Daykim, who, along with his fellow refugees, was a former employee of Corusca Bank.

The events leading up to the formation of Daykim's Kingdom started with a simple accounting error committed by Daykim's staff at the Imperial Palace branch of Corusca Bank. The error caused Emperor Palpatine to be placed at the top of the public list of loan-defaulters in Imperial City for two hours. Fearing retribution, Daykim, along with his loyal staff and their families fled into the undercity as Imperial agents searched for the person who had been responsible for the erroneous posting.

The refugees settled in an abandoned office building and made Daykim their leader. The people of Daykim's Kingdom adapted to life in the undercity. They managed to fashion spring-loaded traps suitable for catching animals for food and used old generators to surreptitiously tap into Imperial City's power grid. To keep an eye out for any unwanted company—be it a group of Imperial soldiers that had finally discovered their location or the odd hawk-bat—the citizens of Daykim's Kingdom managed to throw together a system of surveillance devices and kept a large number of sentries posted at all times.

As time passed, the Empire fell and the New Republic rose in its place. The citizens of Daykim's Kingdom were unaware of this however and remained beneath the surface as their skin grew paler and their clothes became torn and threadbare. The community also faced the prospect of dying out, as it was rapidly aging and very few children had been born.

In 11 ABY, King Daykim learned that the threat of reprisal from the Empire was gone when he helped Jacen and Jaina Solo return to the surface of Coruscant. He turned down an offer to relocate his community from Minister of State Leia Organa Solo, stating that he and his people had decided that he and his people preferred the freedom of life in the undercity to what they viewed as the bureaucratic dullness of life on Coruscant's surface.


  • The Jedi Academy Sourcebook



