Deggen Sont


Deggen Sont was a man who served the Galactic Empire. He attended an Imperial Academy and eventually went to an Imperial mining facility on the planet Geonosis. The mining facility utilized the forced labour of Wookiees to operate. At the facility, Deggen became acquainted with one of the Wookiee slaves named Drokkatta. Deggen eventually decided to defect from the Empire, and helped Drokkatta escape enslavement in the process. After freeing the Wookiee and escaping the facility, Drokkatta swore a life debt to Deggen for his actions.

During the Galactic Civil War at some point before 0 BBY, Deggen Sont, now a fugitive of the Empire due to his defection, accompanied Drokkatta on a rebel convoy transporting civilians to a hidden rebel world. The Empire ambushed the convoy and a battle ensued. The transport Deggen was on managed to jump to hyperspace and escape the battle. Eventually, the hyperdrive gave out near the planet Tatooine, where the damaged ship crashed. Deggen, along with the other survivors, set up a camp where they stayed before being attacked by Imperial forces lead by Captain Terro.

A squad of rebels, which included Drokkatta, fought back against Terro's forces as the Stormtrooper captain attempted to gather the survivors and bring them aboard his dropship. The rebels were joined by some of Jabba the Hutt's men and fought together to push back the Imperial forces. During the skirmish, Deggen made sure to cover his face in fear of being recognized as an Imperial defector and eventually ran to safety as the rebel squad covered his escape. Overwhelmed, Terro fled with some of the survivors he captured, leaving the rest behind, their fait in Jabba's hands. More of Jabba's men then arrived and escorted the survivors aboard skiffs. While on the skiff, Deggen "thanked" Drokkatta for almost getting him killed, and stated that the life debt was silly after the Wookiee gave him an annoyed glance.

As the group arrived at Jabba's Palace, Deggen was separated from Drokkatta. Deggen was sent to the palace's prison while Drokkatta and the rest of the rebel squad were brought before Jabba. While in the dungeon, one of Jabba's slaves, a woman named Senza, tended to him and the other survivors. Drokkatta was eventually brought down to the prison where the Wookiee checked on Deggen. Deggen stated that he deserved to be behind bars, but he didn't think anything could be worse than an Imperial prison. After their conversation, Drokkatta left to do a job for Jabba while Deggen stayed behind in the cell.

After a successful mission, Drokkatta and the rest of the squad returned to the prison to check on the survivors. Drokkatta checked on Deggen Sont who was in the middle of spitting out his meal. Deggen then gave the Wookiee his bantha meat, stating that he'd just eat the nutrient paste which reminded him of his time at the academy. Deggen then said that if Drokkatta got him out of this place, then as far as he was concerned, the life debt was paid. After their discussion, Drokkatta then left with the rest of the rebel squad to go on more missions for Jabba while Deggen was left in the prison with the other survivors.

Eventually, Deggen Sont and three other survivors were brought into Jabba's audience chamber and chained by their necks. The rebel group then attacked the palace, something the Hutt anticipated. When the squad entered the chamber, Jabba stated that they are just in time to watch their friends die. Jabba then pressed a button on his dais which opened up a trap door and dropped two of the survivors into a pit which housed a rancor. Jabba then fled behind a door, using the other two survivors as shields. The rebel squad split up, some dropped into the pit to fight the rancor and the others pursued Jabba before he could get away. The rebels managed to defeat both the rancor and Jabba, freeing Deggen and the rest of the survivors. They left the palace on a speeder bike and headed towards civilization. On their way there, Deggen told Drokkatta that the Wookiee did a good job. Drokkatta then stated the they were even, to which Deggen said he was no expert in the Wookiees' backwards ways, but he always assumed a life debt was for life. Having escaped Jabba's control, Deggen Sont, Drokkatta, and the other survivors boarded a transport and left Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

Deggen Sont first appeared in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault companion app Legends of the Alliance, in the "Jabba's Realm" campaign. Deggen Sont has a chance of being one of the eight crash survivors present during the first mission, or guaranteed if the player chooses Drokkatta to be in the squad. Depending upon the actions and success of the player during the missions, Deggen Sont's fate can vary. Deggen Sont can end up being enslaved by Jabba the Hutt, eaten by a rancor, left behind at Terro's camp, or successfully have escaped Tatooine with the squad.



