
In 3643 BBY, Eligyn worked alongside Commander Rylon in a Republic base on Balmorra until it was breached by the Empire's Wrath. Eligyn and his squad fought against the Sith Warrior, but they were all killed.

Eligyn is a non-player character from the massively multi-player online role playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic released by BioWare in 2011. He is voiced by Maury Sterling.


In 3643 BBY, Eligyn worked alongside Commander Rylon in a Republic base on Balmorra until it was breached by the Empire's Wrath. Eligyn and his squad fought against the Sith Warrior, but they were all killed.

Behind the scenes

Eligyn is a non-player character from the massively multi-player online role playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic released by BioWare in 2011. He is voiced by Maury Sterling.



