Emir (human)

During Princess Leia Organa's first term as an Imperial senator, she was sent to the planet Challon. Emir hired the Assassin's Guild to assassinate Leia. The first attempt on her life came from the Holopix News photographer assassin. He was killed by Giles Durane and his partner Gimlet. After the attempt on her life, they began to train her. Emir became upset with the failure, but agreed to pay the Assassin's Guild even more, now that Giles had become involved. Torgas, the head of the Assassin's Guild, then sent three more of his top assassins to kill Leia, but once again they failed.

After becoming even more upset at the guild, Torgas decided he would go himself to kill Leia, though Emir realized that Durane was the only person who had a chance to kill Leia. Due to this, he hired him to kill Torgas and then Leia as well. When Gimlet attempted to warn Leia of the danger, he was killed by Torgas. When Torgas attempted to kill Leia again, he was killed by Giles. He told Leia that his service to her father was done and he shot at Leia, who then spun around and killed him.


During Princess Leia Organa's first term as an Imperial senator, she was sent to the planet Challon. Emir hired the Assassin's Guild to assassinate Leia. The first attempt on her life came from the Holopix News photographer assassin. He was killed by Giles Durane and his partner Gimlet. After the attempt on her life, they began to train her. Emir became upset with the failure, but agreed to pay the Assassin's Guild even more, now that Giles had become involved. Torgas, the head of the Assassin's Guild, then sent three more of his top assassins to kill Leia, but once again they failed.

After becoming even more upset at the guild, Torgas decided he would go himself to kill Leia, though Emir realized that Durane was the only person who had a chance to kill Leia. Due to this, he hired him to kill Torgas and then Leia as well. When Gimlet attempted to warn Leia of the danger, he was killed by Torgas. When Torgas attempted to kill Leia again, he was killed by Giles. He told Leia that his service to her father was done and he shot at Leia, who then spun around and killed him.



